"When there is peace among religions there will be peace in our world"
-His Holiness, the Dalai Lama of Tibet

"All relgions are facets of the same truth"
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba

The Peaceful Spirit Emblem was created, after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the U.S, and represents the ancient teachings that have shaped our world. It can be used to VISUALIZE WORLD PEACE and promote UNDERSTANDING.

If not you... who?   If not now... when?

Display the emblem:

•  as a declaration of willingness to respect the spiritual beliefs of others.
•  as a framework for beginning conversations and study of the world's religions and beliefs.
•  as a catalyst for change in attitudes, healing historical hurts and reflecting our desire for peace on earth.

Copy the Emblem:

• Not-for-profit groups or individuals may copy the Peaceful Spirit emblem in any medium, for the purpose of promoting spiritual peace.
• Translations must keep the integrity of the message.
• Share ideas, as together we spread Peaceful Spirit around the world.

Through time .. and space .. each faith .. and race..
let there be peace!



Webmaster: marion@peaceful-spirit.org - Site Design by Heather Hemphill