2002 2003 2004 2005
Spirit Garden 2004
The Maya, of South America and Mexico, have four sacred and traditional plants: corn (maise), beans, squash, and tobacco. In summer 2004 three of the four grew in our small vegetable garden. The only one missing was tobacco.
On the day of the garden party we had the unexpected pleasure of
welcoming Zena Ursuliak, a woman trained in Cree sacred ceremonies
who brought the last of the sacred four, tobacco. With dignity and
ceremony she blessed the garden and called in the ancestors of the
four directions. You can see the stones marking these points around
the perimiter of the circle. In the photo Aboriginal blessing, the
tobacco offering is placed in the centre as everyone stands to face
the East and we honor and give thanks for all the gifts associated
with that direction. A very touching ceremony."
The Taoist yin/yang symbol was planted in black pansies. They grew well but were disappointing against the black soil. Suddenly they became vibrant when they were outlined with bright pink. The Hindu Om symbol also was improved with a red outline.
The Buddhist symbol is dramatic. The marigolds were chosen as a
tribute to the visit by His Holiness, the Dalai Lama of Tibet
to Canada in 2004. They are the color of the robes of Tibetan monks
Aboriginal, Islamic and Christian heritage is reflected in these
visitors who want to pose beside "their" symbol.
A new feature of the garden party in 2004 was a library corner,
where guests could explore the stories, philosophy, and traditions
of many faiths beside the quiet coolness of the garden and the fountain.
Others cooled off with a swim in the lake !

A year of blessings to remember. |